It's been pretty nice relaxing at home for the past few weeks, without the need to race any essential selection races. And without the stress of uni, I've been piling all my focus into training and recovering; my only worry these days is whether there is enough food in Aberdeen to sustain my appetite.
This stress-free life has allowed my training to really boost up, with some high quality work being put in now in the attempt to begin to sharpen up for summer. I feel as if I'm becoming faster and stronger - it's beginning to show in the sense of feeling fitter during hilly runs+intervals and being less tired waking up each morning, irrespective of how heavy the training load was the day before.
However, with this satisfaction with my current level of fitness comes a worry that my orienteering capabilities aren't keeping up. Recent races have shown a real lack of essential skills, which is quite worrying. I've been trying to fix this by fitting in a fair amount of orienteering round my physical prep, with a main focus on compass work. Although I recently realised that my compass is no longer pointing to anywhere of particular use (certainly not north), things have been getting better, particularly with a really positive session yesterday.
Another area of weakness I've picked up on is that I tend to be lazy towards the end of long races. I tried to address this yesterday by putting in an O session in Sluie at the end of a long run, starting in Scolty and heading over the whole ridge to Potarch. I expected to be knackered and lazy with my O-tech by the end of this session but I felt strong on the hills, and, aside from 2 slight wobbles, I was fairly good at holding my bearings, resulting in a 5.2km Garmin measured distance for a 5km course.
Hoping to continue this good training for the next 2 weeks leading up to Jukola, with a WRE Middle in Finland the Thursday before added in for good measure. Looking forward to hopefully a better physical performance as well as a more solid technical one. In the meantime there's a few hill races to look forward to, including Glas Tulaichean uphill only this coming Saturday. Forecast looks hot and sunny just now, so hopefully a nice day out in the hills!
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